In the Kitchen: I Don't Know What I'm Doing Soup

Been awhile. But yes, I still cook every day. Hate going out to eat. Sooo much work.

Soup. I suck at it. But tonight I made a bomb of a soup, and that despite the fact that ten minutes before I started the soup, I intended to use a huge bunch of radish greens in either stir fry or fried rice. 

But the greens were so many and their leaves enormous and The Husband hates greens so much that . . . I couldn't do that to him. So, I thought: Soup. I'll use those greens in soup. 

I rummaged through the frig and cupboards to see what else was on hand (because: Rule #1: No one may drive to the store just for an ingredient).

  • some bacon, cut in chunks
  • a bit of onion, chopped
  • radish greens (or whatever), parboiled and chopped (chop 'em small)
  • a few porcini mushrooms, rehydrated in boiling water and chopped
  • some Borsellino from La Quercia (or whatever)
  • a can of San Marzano tomatoes (truly: you're missing something if you use Hunts)
  • a can of garbanzos (or whatever)
  • garlic, olive oil, salt, whatever. Dried pepper flakes!
  • Stock or water. A liquid.
  • Small pastas. I used two whose names I can't remember. But small. Although fusilli would be great.

I cooked the bacon. I wanted the grease. Once cooked, I removed the bacon, added a bit of olive oil. Added a tomato from the can. Cooked, stirred. Added the onion. Cooked, stirred. Pressed a bit of garlic into the pan. Cooked, stirred. 

Added the rest of the tomatoes and some of the chicken stock. Added some pasta (I wanted its starch). Cooked about ten, twelve minutes. Added the greens and Borsellino and some garbanzos. Cooked while The Husband and I drank some scotch.

At some point, throw in some salt, maybe some pepper. When you dish, toss the bacon pieces atop the soup. I heated some frozen baguette and slapped a plate of butter on the table (because I didn't feel like bothering with the cheese on hand). It was delicious. I'd pay $6.60 or even $8.80 for it.

Signed book for anyone who gets that reference. As Son-in-Law Number One would say: Cheers!