The Sticky Post; aka What's Going On Here?
If you're a first-time visitor (perhaps you're here because you've heard about my new book, a history of meat in America), here's an explanation of what this site is and does. (Because: annoying to pay a first visit to a website and depart less informed than when you arrived.)
My site's an extension of my "real" house. I've invited you into the living room. I plan to behave accordingly and hope you will, too.
The header contains links to anything you could possibly want to know about me or my work: books, other projects, credentials, etc. The email address is to your right>>>> over there in the sidebar. Feel free.
The day-to-day action unfolds via blog entries. Yes, I blog. Not fifty times a day (unless I'm on a roll) but regularly.
About every ten or so months, the "blogging is dead" pronouncements rattle around the interwebs: Facebook and Twitter and G+ have eliminated the need for thinking, writing, rumination. Or so say some. I disagree. Blogging is a remarkably powerful, useful, and vital form of communication. Long may it live.
I use my blog to a) rant about what's on my mind; and b) think about my work as a whole.
As a result, those happening on it for the first time (and that would be you) might mistake it for a disorganized, unfocused mess. It's not (she says modestly). The entries, in all their multifarious wonder (or not), are manifestations of my brain at work.
If you visit regularly, the logic becomes clear. If you're just passing by, the category menu on the right>>>> represents the many directions this blog can and does take.
As noted above, IN MEAT WE TRUST: An Unexpected History of Carnivore America, arrives in the fall. As of this writing (April 13, 2013), I'm laying the groundwork for that launch as well as pondering three new projects: Two shorts and a new book. I plan to use the blog to "think" about each of those projects. Thinking aloud, as it were, by using my fingers, a keyboard, and a connection to the world. (I hasten to add that 90% of my thinking unfolds in my other, three-dimensional office.)
So. Stick around. Or not. (I won't be offended. It's a big, busy world and we've all got places to go.) In either case, THANK YOU for stopping by and for making reading part of your life.